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IBIN - BRAZILIAN INSTITUTE FOR THE INTEGRATION OF NATIONS was founded to congregate self -employed college graduates of all nationalities and from all areas of human knowledge, concentrating on Law. Our objectives are: to promote, to plan, to coordinate and to organize Congresses, Seminars, Symposia, Panels and other high level events; to divulge new developments in the knowledge of Law in pragmatic meetings, through the interchange of personal and professional experience.
If you have a good idea or a good theme about the subjects related to the IBIN objectives, don't hesitate to contact us. IBIN will be pleased to joint and integrate professionals to change knowledge and experiences with you





It is a honour for Doctor GUILHERMINA LAVOS COIMBRA -  Member of the Inter-American Bar Association Council, since 1997, ATTORNEY AT LAW & CONSULTANT  ON BRAZILIAN AND INTERNATIONAL LAW , EXPERT in CIVIL LAW: Family Business; Family Law; Hague Convention’80 about Children Civil Abduction Application  in Brazil;  International Conventions about  Several Subjects Applications in Brazil; SUCCESSION LAW: Inventories; REAL STATE: Properties Law:  COMMERCIAL LAW: Firm Law; Tax Law – Litigation in General. ADRESS: : Rua Debret, N. 23 – Group 801-802 – Castelo – 20030-080 -Rio de Janeiro – Brasil –  Phone: (0055-21-21) 2252-7006; 8753-6207; 239-2765; 2239-34519;  E. mail:    Web site:  - to participate that - she is glad in to be working , recommending  and saying for all her friends and clients that, if they need something from us, they do not have hesitating in contact her and her colleagues - Doctors BARBOSA, FOLENA and JORDÃO. (For knowing all the Curriculum vitae and  expertises , download here).


Invitation - download


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